
As Article 30-1 of The Special Education Act stipulates, “Delivery of special education services of the higher education should involve meeting student’s needs, developing IEPs, assisting student’s learning and growth, and participation of special needs students, their parents and related professionals.”

As Article 12 of Enforcement Rules of the Special Education Act stipulates, “The former special education project shall be developed by schools by means of interdisciplinary team, integrating all the resources involved, and pinpointing individualized support plan to meet each and every characteristics and need of students with disabilities, incorporating the following key items:
A. Student’s present performance, family status and needs assessment.
B. Special education, support services and strategies essential for the student.

C. Student’s transition and services details.”


Processing Time

 Any time of the year.



Case managers of Disability Support Services and teaching assistants of the students’ department collaboratively convene the ISP meeting, and notify concerned personnel.



special education students and their parents, department head, advisor, and teaching assistants of the students’ department, case managers of Disability Support Services, experts, scholars, etc.



Each student’s ISP meeting will run for approximately one-half to two hours, depending on the student’s needs, circumstances, and the agenda.

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