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Our Mission

The Disability Support Services Office assigns counselors for students with special needs according to their departments, in order to build a robust relationship with the student during their academic years and offer consistent and adaptive resources. This will include calling Individualized Service Plan(ISP) meetings, identifying students with special education needs, as well as providing assistive devices, tutors and service personnel. The Disability Support Services Office also improves accessible environments, provides counseling sessions, empowering activities and assistance schemes in career transition to help students maximize their potential and have an enriching life throughout their time at NTU.


Our History

NTU’s assistance for students with disabilities was previously handled by a number of different units across the campus. At the beginning of 2000, the request to the Ministry of Education for funding for the establishment of the Disability Support Services Office was approved.  After nearly a year of preliminary work, on the 15th of December 2000, an integrated formal unit specifically designed to support students with disabilities and special needs was eventually established at National Taiwan University, marking a new era of services for these students.


Our Main Services

1. Campus Life Services and Accommodation:
  1. Orientation for new students and parents
  2. Campus orientation and mobility training
  3. Assistive device application
  4. Arrangement of accessible dorms and learning environments
  5. Medical rehabilitation assistance
  6. Special education knowledge and skills advocacy
  7. Social supporting and leisure activities
  8. Public transport fare reimbursement


2. Academic Support Services:

  1. Assistance in recording, text-to-speech reading, textbooks scanning and converting, note-taking
  2. Remedial tutorials for academic subjects
  3. Tutorials in learning strategy
  4. Adjustment in learning assessment (including exams and assignments), such as the extension of exam durations, the arrangement of individual classrooms and the enlargement of the exam papers
  5. Application, procurement, supply and management of learning materials


3. Career Guidance & Counseling:

  1. Exploring career options
  2. Information on changing majors, double majors, minors, and programs
  3. Internship consultation
  4. Talks on special topics and workshops. Senior students’ sharing on preparing for civil service examinations, studying abroad and work experience
  5. Information on Part-time jobs, training, and related opportunities
  6. Transition service upon graduation and follow-up


4. Psychological Counseling:

  1. Case management
  2. Psychological counseling
  3. Case conference meeting
  4. Psychological tests
  5. Group counseling or workshops
  6. Family interview and counseling


5. Related Services:

  1. Club supervision for students with disabilities
  2. Special swimming courses
  3. Service learning courses
  4. Intern supervision
  5. Application and maintenance of assistive devices
  6. Training for note-taking, transcribing audio materials, and service personnel
  7. Updates of the Special Education Transmit Net
  8. Advice on studying abroad and related assistance
  9. Space management of the Disability Support Services Office


6. Administrative Support:

  1. Hosting Special Education Promotion Committee
  2. Drafting annual special education policies and programs at NTU
  3. Application, execution, and closure of the Ministry of Education subsidies for Disabled Students
  4. Identification for students with special education needs
  5. Recruitment, training and supervision for student workers in the Disability Support Services Office
  6. Barrier-free campus point of contact
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